Bena Village – The Megalithic Village in Bajawa, Flores.
The Bena village – Bajawa – Flores
Bena can be reached around 7-8 hours via road trip from our Mbeliling Mountain Ecolodge in West Flores. It is the most famous and also most visited village in the Ngada District. With its impressive stone formations and ancestral shrines, as well as traditional houses, Bena has turned into a signpost for Ngada culture. All our tours visiting Bena overnight in Bajawa and then proceed to Bena on the 30 minute drive, the following day
The location of Bena Village which is on the top of a hill, and with Mount Inerie as a background really makes the atmosphere of this village beautiful and exotic.
Its existence at the bottom of the mountain is a characteristic of the old people who believed and worshiped the mountain as the place of the Gods. The people of Bena believed that the existence of the Yeta God who had a throne on Mount Inerie would protect their village.
Visiting the village is like a journey back in time. The Bena people are thought to have resided in this valley for some 1,200 years, but some resources said the village might be older than that.
The arrangement of houses in Bena looks very unique because its circular shape forms the letter U and each house also has a roof decoration that is different from each other based on the lineage that in power and lives in the house. In the middle of the village there is usually a building called by the local community of Bena, Nga’du (male) and Bhaga (female). Both are symbols of the village ancestors who were in the yard, kisanatapat, where traditional ceremonies were held to communicate with their ancestors. The Bena people built the houses using natural materials such as bamboo and wood called Oja, which was taken from the surrounding forests. Symbols and pictures of animals decorate the interior and exterior of the houses.
Visitors is also can buy locally crafted ikat, or tie-dyed woven cloth, in Bena. The sarong, which is a large tube of woven cloth, is often worn wrapped around the waist, both by men and women. The ikat weaving motifs range from animal patterns like horses, chickens, elephants, and the sacred nga’du and bhaga symbols.
Traditional crafted ikat of Bena village
Visiting this village can be easily added as a part of our Transflores tour.
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Desa Bena – Desa Megalitik di Bajawa, Flores.
Desa Bena – Bajawa – Flores
Bena dapat dicapai sekitar 7-8 jam melalui perjalanan darat dari Mbeliling Ecolodge di Flores Barat. Ini adalah desa paling terkenal dan paling banyak dikunjungi di Kabupaten Ngada. Dengan formasi bebatuan yang mengesankan dan tempat pemujaan leluhur, serta rumah tradisionalnya, Bena telah berubah menjadi penunjuk arah budaya Ngada. Semua tur kami mengunjungi Bena bermalam di Bajawa dan kemudian dilanjutkan ke Bena dalam 30 menit berkendara, keesokan harinya
Letak Desa Bena yang berada di atas bukit dengan latar Gunung Inerie benar-benar membuat suasana desa ini asri dan eksotik.
Keberadaannya di bawah gunung merupakan ciri khas orang-orang tua yang mempercayai dan memuja gunung sebagai tempat para dewa. Masyarakat Bena percaya bahwa keberadaan Dewa Yeta yang bertahta di Gunung Inerie akan melindungi desa mereka.
Mengunjungi desa itu seperti perjalanan ke masa lalu. Orang Bena diperkirakan telah tinggal di lembah ini selama sekitar 1.200 tahun, tetapi beberapa sumber mengatakan desa itu mungkin lebih tua dari itu.
Penataan rumah di Bena terlihat sangat unik karena bentuknya yang melingkar membentuk huruf U dan masing-masing rumah juga memiliki hiasan atap yang berbeda satu sama lain berdasarkan garis keturunan yang berkuasa dan hidup di dalam rumah tersebut. Di tengah kampung biasanya terdapat bangunan yang disebut oleh masyarakat sekitar Bena, Nga’du (laki-laki) dan Bhaga (perempuan). Keduanya merupakan simbol nenek moyang desa yang berada di pekarangan, kisanatapat, tempat diadakannya upacara adat untuk berkomunikasi dengan leluhurnya. Masyarakat Bena membangun rumah dengan menggunakan bahan alami seperti bambu dan kayu yang disebut Oja, yang diambil dari hutan sekitarnya. Simbol dan gambar hewan menghiasi interior dan eksterior rumah.
Pengunjung juga dapat membeli ikat buatan lokal, atau kain tenun ikat celup, di Bena. Sarung yang merupakan tabung besar dari kain tenun sering kali dikenakan melilit pinggang, baik oleh pria maupun wanita. Motif tenun ikat berkisar dari pola binatang seperti kuda, ayam, gajah, dan simbol nga’du dan bhaga yang sakral.
Kerajinan ikat tradisional desa Bena
Mengunjungi desa ini dapat dengan mudah ditambahkan sebagai bagian dari tur Transflores kami.
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