We take this opportunity to go back to basics. The Four Lodges, in Kalimantan, Sumatra and Flores and the Bali office, are vital to the existence of ECOLODGES INDONESIA and the CONSERVATION Programs. They have to be kept spotless and free from mould and termites, our biggest enemies. Under the guidance of Ibu Emi, each manager sends Whats App photos of the areas Ibu Emi wants to check in addition, the Covid safe practices have to be kept up, to such good effect that Rimba Orangutan Lodge, before total lockdown, recieved a Covid Best Practice award, followed by Kelimutu Crater Lakes Ecolodge in Flores, which also received an award ,and a sum of about $3,000 to help with maintenance, a big win for our staff.
Update Kelimutu Ecolodge – January 2021
Update Rimba Ecolodge – January 2021
Mbeliling Ecolodge – Update January 2021
Satwa Ecolodge – Update January 2021
Ecolodges Indonesia head office Bali – Update January 2021
Staffing the lodges is a juggling act, using rotating groups for a skeleton staff to keep each lodge ready at any time for guests, while trying to add to the reduced wages from the Conservation loan projects in Agriculture, fish farming, goat and cattle raising, and tree planting, as well as assisting the kitchen budgets from their own produce. As Covid lingers on the money has to stretch further, making maintenance a major focus.
As you can see from the photographs of Rimba, in Kalimantan, Satwa, in Sumatra, and Kelimutu and Mbeliling in Flores, as well as the office in Bali, there is much scrubbing, cleaning, fixing and weeding and mowing going on, thanks to our faithful staff, managers, and supervisor, Ibu Emi.
Healthy standard protocol and free covid sertificate at Our Rimba Ecolodge
Please pass this information to interested parties on Social media through our links to :
FACEBOOK (www.facebook.com/ecolodgesindonesia),
INSTAGRAM (@Ecolodges_indonesia)
TWITTER (@ecolodges_ID)
For DONATE, Visit our official pages on our website https://ecolodgesindonesia.com/conservation-foundation/ with guidelines how to donate.
We need your support to protect this vital group of conservationists around key Indonesian national parks.
Kami harus mengatakan bahwa kami harus mulai dari konsisi awal. Empat lodge kami yang masing-masing berlokasi di Kalimantan, Sumatera dan Flores serta kantor pusat di Bali, adalah sangat penting bagi kelangsungan ECOLODGES INDONESIA dan program yayasan kami. Semua lodge kami harus dijaga supaya tetap bersih, bebas dari jamur dan rayap, yang merupakan ancaman terbesar kami. Di bawah bimbingan Ibu Emi, setiap manajer mengirimkan foto melalui WhatsApp dari lodge mereka masing-masing tentang area yang ingin diperiksa. Selain itu, penerapan protocol Kesehatan harus tetap dijaga. Hasilnya Rimba Orangutan Ecolodge, berhasil menerima sertifikat tempat usaha bebas covid19 diikuti oleh Kelimutu Crater Lakes Ecolodge. Kelimutu Ecolodge juga mendapat bantuan dana dari pemerintah setempat untuk membantu pemeliharaan bangunan restaurant, ini sangat membantu bagi pegawai kami.
Kelimutu Ecolodge – January 2021
Rimba Ecolodge – January 2021
Mbeliling Ecolodge – Update January 2021
Satwa Ecolodge – Update January 2021
Kantor pusat Ecolodges Indonesia di Bali – Update January 2021
Staffing the lodges is a juggling act, using rotating groups for a skeleton staff to keep each lodge ready at any time for
Kami mengurus semua lodge kami seperti melakukan juggling, karena kami menggunakan system shift/bergilir untuk pegawai kami, sambil mencoba melakukan kegiatan di bidang pertanian, budidaya ikan, kambing, peternakan, penanaman pohon, serta mencoba menghasilkan bahan dapur dari kebun sendiri, disamping tetap menjadikan kegiatan pemeliharaan kami sebagai fokus utama.
Seperti yang terlihat dalam foto, adalah update terakhir di semua lodge kami di Rimba Ecolodge-Kalimantan, Satwa Ecolodge-Sumatera, Kelimutu Ecolodge dan Mbeliling Ecolodge-Flores, serta kantor di Bali. Terima kasih kepada semua pegawai setia kami, para manajer, dan supervisor kami, Ibu Emi.
Sertifikat Protokol standar kesehatan dan bebas covid di Rimba Ecolodge
Harap berikan informasi ini kepada pihak yang berkepentingan di media sosial melalui tautan kami ke:
FACEBOOK (www.facebook.com/ecolodgesindonesia),
INSTAGRAM (@Ecolodges_indonesia)
TWITTER (@ecolodges_ID)
Untuk Donasi, silahkan kunjungi situs web kami https://ecolodgesindonesia.com/conservation-foundation/ dengan pedoman cara berdonasi.
Kami membutuhkan dukungan Anda untuk melindungi kelompok penting konservasionis di sekitar taman nasional utama Indonesia.