In the present extended Covid situation, this is an achievement by our loyal staff, led by the Office in Bali with Ibu Emi keeping an eagle eye on all aspects. Just last week we had another commendation by the local government for the meticulous Covid19 regulations in place.
At KELIMUTU – Flores, the agricultural projects have brought in income from a good rice crop, and vegetables. Another 2,000 tomato seedlings are being planted, but rain has almost stopped so they will have to be irrigated. The two steers bought are looking fat and sleek, to be sold in about a year.
This has all been done by our staff, some of whom are cultivating a piece of our land, receiving half of the produce, as for the rice.
Prepare the land for planting tomatoes at Kelimutu
MBELILING – Flores, is also becoming drier, but the vegetables planted are next to a small stream, and should do well. Their fish, Ikan Lele (catfish) are now reaching about 40 cm, and provide food for staff on duty and for sale locally. Imagine, one kilo of fish costs the equivalent of 5 $AUD and here in Australia a cheaper fish can be 50 $AUD. This shows why the little that is brought in goes a long way.
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Our staff planting on vegetables at Mbeliling
SATWA – Sumatra, Satwa has a small amount of vegetables and chillies in polybags, chillies bringing in up to Rp 100.000 per kilo (thats a lot of chillies!). The GOATS continue to do well, except for one which died possibly from a head trauma en route to a mating. The general opinion seems to be that the special RAMBON, half Australian goats are bigger, but take longer to mature and produce offspring, so they are changing back to local goats, for a faster return. The women are very industrious in cutting and carrying fodder.
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Chilli trees and the goats at Satwa Ecolodge
RIMBA – Kalimantan, being on the edge of the river can only grow eggplants, beans, and chillies In polybags, which has been successful. The fish, Nile perch, are now about 30 to 40 cm long and Nopri and his staff are looking after them well, providing meals for themselves and the rare visitor to the Lodge.
Nile perch fish at Rimba Ecolodge
The TREE PLANTING project is waiting for an official letter from the Department of Forestry in Jakarta. We have been verbally approved, but still wait. Apparently this is because all tree planting projects had to be checked properly by the authorities.
In the meantime, in order to give at least some of our staff extra wages, we have brought forward our project for the FOREST MANAGEMENT TRAINING CENTRE, at the Lodge itself, for 7 of our men, plus two women for Meal preparation, and utilizing the talents of Hakim, our chief guide, Adut, leader of the local village tree planting group and our partner in the major tree planting exercise, (with National Park, Boat tourism and local govt.) and Lukas our solar panel expert and hands on man. Between them they can cover The importance of the forest and its carbon oxygen cycle, animal and plant identification, proper planting techniques, maintenance, and record keeping and GPS positioning as well as growth measurement.
Hakim and Adut both came to Australia to learn Fire prevention techniques, and Hakim and Lukas did First Aid courses with Meryl at Rimba. At present we have funds for the first two months of what will eventually become an annual 4 month course, one day a week.
Tree seedlings at Tanjung Harapan Village
We are very proud of our staff and their efforts to keep Ecolodges Indonesia standing.
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INSTAGRAM (@Ecolodges_indonesia)
TWITTER (@ecolodges_ID)
For DONATE, Visit our official pages on our website https://ecolodgesindonesia.com/conservation-foundation/ with guidelines how to donate.
We need your support to protect this vital group of conservationists around key Indonesian national parks.
Dalam situasi Covid yang meluas saat ini, kami akan menulis tentang pencapaian dari staf setia kami yang dipimpin oleh Ibu Emi dari Kantor di Bali. Kbar terbaru dari kamia dalah minggu lalu kami mendapat apresiasi dari pemerintah daerah setempat untuk peraturan Covid19 yang kami terapkan di Kelimutu Ecolodge.
Di KELIMUTU – Flores,
Kegiatan pertanian telah mendatangkan pendapatan dari panen padi yang baik, dan sayuran. 2.000 bibit tomat sedang ditanam, tetapi hujan hampir berhenti sehingga harus terus disiram. Dua ekor sapi jantan yang dibeli tampak gemuk dan akan dijual dalam waktu sekitar satu tahun.
Ini semua dilakukan oleh staf kami, beberapa di antara mereka sedang mengolah sebidang tanah lodge kami, dan natinya akan menerima setengah dari hasil.
Persiapan Penanaman di Kelimutu Lodge
Disini juga semakin kering, tetapi sayuran yang ditanam untungnya berlokasi di sebelah sungai kecil, dan tumbuh dengan baik. Ikan mereka, Ikan Lele sekarang mencapai sekitar 40 cm, dan bisa dipakai untuk makanan untuk staf yang bertugas, dan untuk dijual secara lokal. Bayangkan, satu kilo ikan harganya setara dengan 5 $AUD dan di sini di Australia, satu ekor ikan bisa mencapai 50 $AUD.
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Staff kami menanam sayuran di Kebun Mbeliling Lodge
SATWA – Sumatera,
Satwa memiliki sedikit sayuran dan cabai dalam polybag, cabai bisa dijualhingga Rp 100.000 per kilo (itu banyak cabai!). KAMBING terus dirawat dengan baik, kecuali satu yang mati mungkin karena trauma kepala dalam perjalanan setelah dikawinkan. Sepertinya kambing Rambon (kambing campuran Australia) memiliki fisik lebih besar, tetapi membutuhkan waktu lebih lama untuk dewasa dan menghasilkan keturunan, sehingga mereka beralih kembali ke kambing lokal, untuk bisa menghasilkan yang lebih cepat. Para wanita sangat rajin memotong dan membawa pakan ternak.
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Tanaman lombok dan Peternakan Kambing di Satwa Ecolodge
RIMBA – Kalimantan
Disini staff menanam terong, buncis, dan cabai dalam polibag yang sudah berhasil. Ikan Nila sudah mulai tumbuh, sekarang panjangnya sekitar 30 sampai 40 cm dan Nopri dan stafnya merawat mereka dengan baik. Hasil ikan dipakai untuk makan staff dan pengunjung yang menginap di Rimba Ecolodge.
Ikan Nila di Rimba Ecolodge
Kegiatan Penanaman Pohon sedang menunggu surat resmi dari Departemen Kehutanan di Jakarta. Kami telah disetujui secara lisan, tapi masih menunggu surat formal sebelum mulai. Sepertinya pemerintah setempat sangat hati-hati dalam mengeluarkan ijin penenman pohon terkait dengan klaim karbon kredit.
Sementara itu, untuk memberikan setidaknya beberapa gaji tambahan staf kami, kami telah mengajukan kegiatan PUSAT PELATIHAN MANAJEMEN HUTAN, diikuti oleh 7 peserta pria, ditambah dua wanita. Kami mencoba memanfaatkan bakat dari Hakim (pemandu utama kami), Adut (pemimpin kelompok penanaman pohon desa setempat sekaligus mitra kami dalam penanaman pohon), dibantu oleh Lukas, ahli tenaga surya. Mereka mereka akan membahas pentingnya hutan dan siklus oksigen, identifikasi hewan dan tumbuhan, teknik penanaman yang tepat, pemeliharaan, pencatatan dan penentuan posisi GPS serta pengukuran pertumbuhan. Hakim dan Adut sama-sama sudah pernah berkunjung ke Australia untuk mempelajari teknik pencegahan kebakaran hutan. Hakim dan Lukas sudah pernah melakukan pelatihan P3K pertama kali dengan Meryl di Rimba. Saat ini kami memiliki dana untuk dua bulan pertama yang nantinya diharapkan berjalan selama 4 bulan.
Penanaman di Desa Tanjung Harapan
Kami sangat bangga dengan staf kami dalam upaya mereka untuk menjaga Ecolodges Indonesia tetap berjalan.
Harap berikan informasi ini kepada pihak yang berkepentingan di media sosial melalui tautan kami ke:
FACEBOOK (www.facebook.com/ecolodgesindonesia),
INSTAGRAM (@Ecolodges_indonesia)
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Untuk Donasi, silahkan kunjungi situs web kami https://ecolodgesindonesia.com/conservation-foundation/ dengan pedoman cara berdonasi.
Kami membutuhkan dukungan Anda untuk melindungi kelompok penting konservasionis di sekitar taman nasional utama Indonesia.