GOING ORGANIC ! The KELIMUTU CRATER LAKES ECOLODGE is growing greener and more organic!

GOING ORGANIC ! The KELIMUTU CRATER LAKES ECOLODGE is growing greener and more organic! Our security man, Senty, with his hard working wife, last year prepared some of our land, with our own tractor and their industry, putting animal manure into it as fertilizer. This magnificent soil produced tomatoes, beans, long beans and cabbage.   Tomatoes … Read more


STARTING A NEW YEAR-TAKING STOCK OF OUR ECOLODGES. Without the faithfulness and integrity of all our staff, but particularly our Managers and Office staff, under Ibu Emi, our exceptional Operations Manager, we would have sunk without a trace… Yet here we are in February 2022 , with our nose still just above water, and the … Read more

OUR FOUNDATION NEWS – Harvests Helping Ecolodges Indonesia Survive.

OUR FOUNDATION NEWS. Harvests Helping Ecolodges Indonesia Survive. The bountiful rain has given a good harvest of rice at the KELIMUTU CRATER LAKES ECOLODGE Farmes and his family worked hard at keeping the Ecolodge rice terraces clean and in good repair, giving a good harvest to be divided between the family and the Lodge, helping … Read more